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Angel Over My Shoulder Page 4
Angel Over My Shoulder Read online
Page 4
He looked at her sadly. “You already know the answer to that question.”
“I can guarantee you that I don’t!” She snapped bitterly.
Angel dropped down onto his knees in front of her, surprising her. He put his hands on her legs right above her knees and squeezed almost painfully.
She gasped. Then he released her and with two fingers made cutting motions on her thighs. The blood seemed to rush from her face.
He stared at her coldly and then he was gone.
Chapter 5
Michael kissed her neck, bringing her attention back to him. She smiled, but wished that he would just go away. I’m just not that into you, dude, she thought secretly. But he was sweet. He was forty-one, with a New York accent. He was also a white man that had a look that she was attracted to. But he wasn’t that person even if he had the New York accent and the light brown hair with curls that swept his shoulders.
She sighed and kissed him lightly then stood, searching for her panties.
“Honey, you don’t have to work tomorrow. Why are you leaving?”
“Baby, I have a raging headache.” She pulled on her panties and picked up the bra but just stuffed it into her purse. She slipped on her shirt as Michael stood and continued with the neck kissing, attempting to slip himself into her panties.
“Michael.” She took hold of his hands, halting his progression. “I have to go. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
He stepped back from her and gave her a long look. “What’s really wrong, Leslie?” She pulled on her jeans and wouldn’t look at him. “You’ve been distant for a while now. Are you tired of me?”
She frowned. She should really say yes, she really should and just end it. “No, babe. I’m not tired of you. I just want to go home to my own bed and sleep.” He gave her a searching look. She kissed him again, this time with more conviction, though it was still fake. She just didn’t have the heart to hurt him.
He used that opportunity to clutch her ass and to pull her pelvis against his hard cock. She slipped away with a quick kiss.
“Tomorrow.” Yeah, she was definitely going to break up with him tomorrow.
He sighed but let her leave.
Leslie drove Grandma’s car home. Even though she had owned both Grandma’s house and car for almost a year, it seemed that the house was all hers but the car was a different story. The car still seemed like Grandma’s. Maybe because it smelled like her soft floral perfume and face powder. The thought brought a soft smile to her lips as she hummed to the tunes on the radio. Once upon a time, thinking about Grandma had left her feeling panicked. But she was used to being alone now.
Leslie had never gone back to school and while she didn’t get to graduate with her class, she did get her diploma mailed to her. Grandma’s precious savings didn’t go for any more drugs. She had no choice but to pull herself together and to find at least some small job so that she wouldn’t run through all of the insurance money.
She had walked into a restaurant one day and asked if they had an opening. It was just her luck that they were always short on waitresses. Michael had come in one day after she’d been there a few months. He drank coffee and read the paper. When she refreshed his cup he absently said, ‘Thank you, beautiful.’
She froze and stared at him. He probably thought she was a kook.
“Are you from New York?”
“Why?” He smiled with a confused look.
“Your accent.”
“Ahh. Jersey.”
“Jersey.” She said slowly.
But it was now three months later. And what she was looking for could not be found in Michael.
She was exhausted and hurried through her shower, padding into her bedroom naked. She still used her smaller bedroom but it seemed insignificant. The entire house was hers to use as she pleased. Why should it matter in which room she chose to lay her head to sleep each night?
She grabbed her lotion bottle and rubbed the cocoa butter into her brown skin. She had been told about the powers of cocoa butter to fade scarring. She looked at her face in the mirror. The scars from the ripped piercings would be with her forever. She wasn’t so vain about her looks to care much, but sometimes she would stare at the scarred face and try to find the answers to all of her questions in the raised and darkened flesh. Michael had never asked her about them. But he did often touch the scar on her lip and run his tongue over it…
She stood and rubbed lotion onto her bottom and then lightly between her legs. She sighed. Making love with Michael tonight hadn’t satisfied her. It had been weeks since she’d had an orgasm with him. Lately she would come home, dream and climax within her fantasies.
She squeezed more lotion into her hands and this time rubbed it onto her breasts. She looked at her nipples as her hands rubbed them roughly. They grew taut beneath her fingers and a soft sigh fell from her lips. Leslie replaced the bottle on her dresser and then climbed into bed, turning off the light on her way.
She lay quietly for a moment feeling her clitoris pounding and rising from its hood. She squeezed her thighs together and pictured a set of pouty lips between her legs, licking and tugging at the folds of her labia.
“Mmmm.” She sighed concentrating on picturing him between her legs and the slick wetness soon began to usher from between her thighs. She fell asleep with these fantasies.
Her hips seemed to move with a power all its own. She felt the gentle pressure against her clitoris, teasing and stroking. Leslie reached down and touched the curly head that was nestled between her thighs. Her fingers ran through his curls as if his head belonged there.
She gasped as his lips caught her nub and tugged gently. Leslie arched her back and glanced down the length of their bodies. All she could see was the line of his back, his head bobbing between her bent thighs and the round of his ass as he gyrated against her bed.
“Please….don’t stop.” She groaned. His head rose slightly to look at her. Angel. Her Angel…so beautiful. His eyes fluttered close and he continued to pleasure her with his tongue and mouth.
She caught a movement on her dresser and her eyes flitted there only to be met by a second set of eyes. Angel was watching her being pleasured by a fantasy Angel. Leslie jumped and the phantom lover immediately disappeared. She pulled the covers up to her breast and held them there.
“What are you doing?! You shouldn’t be watching!”
Even though she knew she was asleep, she felt her face burn in shame that he’d seen her fantasizing about him.
She hadn’t seen him since the day that she’d yelled at him, and accused him. But she was sure that he was there in her dreams, it’s just that she no longer remembered them. Maybe she remembered fleeting events, but no longer did she have the same clarity. She no longer heard him speaking to her; either with or without words. Somehow she thought that he was gone forever, maybe driven away by the confrontation.
Yet here he sat, staring at her as if he would embarrass her more by not retreating and leaving her alone to her shame.
“You’re in MY dream! I have no reason to be ashamed!” In an act of defiance she pulled the covers from her nude body. “Get an eyeful?” She propped herself up on her elbow.
Angel’s eyes skirted over her nudity but he still didn’t turn away.
She frowned suddenly afraid. “There’s no one else’s death that you can show me, because there is nobody else that I care about.”
Angel’s eyes began to glisten with sudden tears. He drew in a shaky breath. “Do you really think that?”
Alarmed she sat up in bed. “What do you mean?”
He gave her a shaky smile and her heartbeat quickened. “You used to know.” Angel dropped down from the dresser and approached her. She quickly pulled the covers up over her breast. “Leslie.” He took a deep breath. “When I’m not here, I’m nowhere. There. Now you have something that you didn’t know before. Does that help?”
The way he said her
name sent shivers up and down her body. He’d never said it before, but she was frustrated and confused by his words. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
He took another shaky breath and then sat on the bed. He closed his eyes and leaned forward, placing his lips onto hers. It was a chaste kiss, yet Leslie’s body began to warm up sensually. “I can make things happen that never happened before.” He whispered against her lips. She watched him even more confused as he slowly pulled back.
He looked at her. “That has never happened before.” He spoke as if his meaning was obvious.
“Okay.” She said softly, focusing on his lips. He had kissed her and she could barely think of anything else. Her Angel had just kissed her…
His brow wrinkled. “…but everything else has. And then I show you; so that you can make them better.” Yes, this was something that she understood. But his other words were confusing.
She finally dragged her eyes from his lips to his sky blue eyes. “This has never happened before…are you saying that by kissing me you changed my destiny?”
He shook his head slightly.
“I don’t understand.” She cried out in exasperation. It was as if the concept of spoken words was a new concept for him. He was like a child with a new task that he didn’t quite understand.
He suddenly looked frustrated, but this time she saw that it was with himself, not with her. “What I mean is that I don’t know what happens when I’m not here with you. There is nothing more or less; there’s just this. I didn’t make those visions; I just show you. But I CAN make things.” He cupped her face. “I can make this.” He pressed his lips to hers sensually, passionately, maybe even desperately.
Leslie’s heart leaped and then her hands reached out to glide down his arm. His breath caught and his eyes blinked. She pulled back in order to watch him closely. His breath was coming faster. I’m kissing Angel…Leslie leaned forward and kissed him again, slipping her tongue between his full lips. They trembled with passion.
He pulled back quickly and stood. He was trying to catch his breath and appeared anxious.
“You’ve never kissed before?”
“Who would I kiss when there’s only you?” She tilted her head with dawning realization. Could it be that Angel only existed in her dreams, and for no other reason than to be with her? That his entire existence is whatever she dreamed for him?
When there was no response, he finally sat down beside her again. He didn’t act like some old sage; which is what she always assumed he was. He was a confused being, fighting to make her understand something he had never had to put into words. She reached up slowly and stroked his silky curls.
He watched her so intensely that she could see his eyes flitting back and forth from one of her eyes to the other. In some ways he seemed just as lost as she was. She had thought that he had all of the answers to her life’s questions. It was hard to see that now when he seemed to be waiting for her to make the next move. But maybe that is what he’d always done. He had always waited for her to make the next move.
Leslie leaned forward and kissed him gently. He signed softly and returned the kiss. His hand came up and his finger tips moved over her flesh, gliding from her shoulder, down her arms, sending goose pimples across her skin.
She smiled and then he did. They watched each other and nothing had ever felt more right to her.
“Am I doing this right?” He asked.
“Oh, yes.” She gave him a shy smile. “Do you want to do it again?”
He nodded quickly. He brought his hands up again to cup her face as he kissed her more thoroughly. It sent a thrill through her body to be kissing him while she was totally naked beneath the thin sheet and he was fully clothed in a t-shirt, jeans and his usual chucks.
Slowly she let the covers drop and moved close to him until her body was against his, her breasts pressed flat to his chest. Angel broke the kiss long enough to look between them. His lips were parted and his breath was coming out in a rush. She couldn’t understand how this moment could not be real, how he wasn’t real. The flush of his cheeks was evident even in the faint glow that emanated from his body. His chest was solid and hard and his sweet touch brought more passion to her then anyone else’s ever had.
He gently pushed away from her so that he could stare at her nude breasts. He drew in a shaky breath and then reached up and captured one of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. He tugged until the darkened flesh of her aureoles stretched and then he released it allowing the nipple to spring back.
Leslie moaned. It was the most erotic thing that anyone had ever done to her. He looked at her with a surprised smile that he had elicited such a reaction. He stared at her nipple and when he wet his lips she hoped that he would taste her and he did. His mouth was warm and his tongue soft yet rough as he explored the sensitized flesh.
“God, Angel…” She moaned. He sucked her plump nipple, flicking it with his tongue, holding her in place with his lips. She flared to life immediately. He pulled back then, reluctantly releasing her nipple which was now swollen and wet from his attention.
When he looked at her, his eyes were bright but sad.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m here to show you something.”
Her stomach dropped. Yes, of course that was the reason he had come, not just to kiss her.
“But,” he gave her a sincere look. “I can make new things happen. And I just did.” He was nodding slowly. “Things have changed.”
She drew in a deep breath. “So…you’re saying that something bad was going to happen, but you don’t need to show me now because you made it change?” She asked hopefully.
He gave her a sad look. “No. I didn’t make it change. I made you change. That’s what I made happen.”
Her heart was beating a mile a minute. “Do I have the ability to change the future?”
“You already know the answer to that; you know it better than me.” She did not want to see this thing; something that would put such a look of regret in his eyes, something that would make him want to search for a way to change it. It could only be a vision of one thing…
“Wake up.”
And just that quickly it was daylight and she was waking. Of course she sat up and looked around for Angel. She replayed the dream in her mind so that she wouldn’t lose it, and then she hurried to her small desk and searched for pad and paper. When she located what she was looking for she began quickly scribbling down every word that had been exchanged before she lost the understanding.
When she had the details written out she sat back and re-read the last things she’d said to him.
‘Can I stop this bad thing from happening?’
Leslie walked on eggshells for two day before she was to see Angel again. She was positive that there was some disaster waiting to befall her. In her mind she had reasoned that it was the worst thing possible that Angel had to show her; her own death.
As a response she took more care in her day to day life. She had even taken Grandma’s old car in for a complete check and bought a set of four new tires.
At night she double checked that the doors and windows were locked and had begun sleeping with a knife under her pillow. She’d even had second thoughts about breaking up with Michael. Maybe he would go psycho on her.